This last weekend was great in so many ways. The biggest reason we came here this time was to attend Bettina's brother Andreas wedding. It was truly special in so many ways. Once we get back home and Bettina uploads all of the pics than I will do a better write up. For now I will just do a little recap of the weekend. Friday we went to This town to help set up for the reception. The place was pretty amazing, you could see the sea from the windows of the reception hall and from our hotel room and the beach was right across the street. Me and Bettina's Dad stayed with Bettina's brother Friday night and spent Saturday morning helping him get ready for the wedding, are basically just to pass the time. That was very cool to be a part of and very special to see. The calmness that Andreas showed was a true sign of how much he was ready for his wedding. The wedding was very sweet and the reception was like nothing I have ever been at before. Bettina and her brothers speach went perfect and was very heartfelt and I am so proud of her for making it through it with only a few tears. I am not sure what time we made it to bed but I remember a little conversation about how neat it would be to go swimming in the morning, I would be thinking it was mostly alchohol talk but with me and Johan if its said its probably getting done. Well me, Bettina's dad and Ula made it for the swim. It didnt last long, COLD! But it was fun. Me and Johan's bike ride back to Løgumkloster later that day wasnt near the fun but still good. I remember asking him at one point if he had some toothpicks to keep our eyes open and that maybe it would of been better to of wore our swim suits home with all of the rain we were riding through. Lucky for us we had a headwind all the way home to. When we were finishing up the ride we both looked at each other with a smile, maybe it was that with any ride they are all great rides, or maybe it was just that we were simply finishing up one truly special weekend.