Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas
We have attended the Bethany Lutheran Church in Webster Groves the last couple of years. The Danish club host its Christmas party here every year and outside of our house its the closest Bettina gets to a Danish Christmas. The church has a nice atmosphere with a strong Danish background. We always have family over for Christmas Eve for a nice dinner and man do Jeg elsker Danske mad!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
What do I got.
Yesterday was cool getting back to the Big ride with Jim, well kind of anyway. With all of the riding that I have gotten in this month I was pretty much ready for a break. In Jim's mind that doesn't exist and with him having his brand new Scott addict he was ready to ride. So of course i was buying into it! I could go into detail about how bad this ride hurt and how the road was eating our bikes with every peddle stroke or at one point climbing a hill at 85 miles when I heard my bike telling me I was embarrassing it and could I please give it to somebody that knows how to ride! does your bike ever talk to you! Lucky for me Jim was feeling as bad as me so I wasn't holding him up to much. As bad as this ride was it still got my brain were it needed to be by the time it was done. So within the last 4 weeks I managed to do the Trifecta, tripple chubb, Double Berryman and two Big rides along with the usual during the week stuff. So I guess when I ask myself what do I got, I got nothing.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Winter suffering.
After a few weeks of Mountain biking on the weekends the Sunday ride was back on. A little over a year ago Jim introduced this ride to me, and Dave Pratt introduced it to him. This ride has a pretty good amount of climbing, some really good fast sections, steep climbs, long climbs pretty much everything you can think of which is what makes this ride so special and O yeah the scenery is great also. Dave did a heck of a job putting this route together and I cant wait to suffer through another winter with these guys. Today's ride was no exception Jim invited Steve Frierdich down to ride with us, One thing is for sure he loves suffering as much as us and that is a good thing. Today's ride already topped last winters best and that was with a pretty good head wind. I wish I had the stats off of the garmin for this ride but I had a few problems with the garmin so hopefully I will have it fixed by the next ride..
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Middle Fork
stats for the ride.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Berryman Epic 08
Sitting on the start line with guys like Eric Pirtle, Brad Huff, Chris Ploch just to name a few was going to make this race a fast one. The race started out with a neutral start until we got to a long gravel climb then we were off. Nothing to crazy fast like I expected. There was some passing here and there as we were going up the gravel road and the pace was picking up a little bit. It wasn't long and we were flying down some pretty cool single track with I think Brad Huff leading the way. Eric was on my wheel and it wasn't long before I let him by, it was a lot more fun following him down the hills than being in front of him. Before I knew it we were at the first checkpoint.
From the first checkpoint to the second was pretty fun, I was riding in a group with Chris, Mike Best, Clayton Bell from Arkansas and Matt Keeven not to far off of my wheel for most of that lap. At some point Brad Huff had gotten a flat. I was stoked to get to the second checkpoint was feeling pretty warm so I wanted to get rid of my jacket. Chris pretty much went through and never stopped. Mike and Matt were getting water bottles so I decided to make it quick and lost the jacket and jammed. Leaving the Berryman campground I headed down the dirt road, when I came to a split in the road I saw the arrows pointing left, I didn't see the trail just thought I was supposed to stay left on the road. It didn't take long to figure out my mistake. I made it back to the trail that was perfectly marked and started trying to make up lost time. My heart rate at this point was averaging 169 and I was worried about putting my self to deep into the hurt zone. At this point I had no idea how many people had passed me when I went the wrong way. The first person that I came up to was my road riding buddy Jim, This was cool he was riding pretty strong. At this point I probably should of just stuck with Jim but I decided to go up a head. I passed Jeremy and made my way up to Richard Maycheck (sp). I am thinking this was probably around the 30 mile mark. I was starting to hurt pretty good from the hard efforts of trying to make up for lost time. Making it to the next checkpoint just barely ahead of Jim, I was going to wait for him but he was taking to long to fill his water bottles and Rich was taking off. This was a long gravel road section with a paved road section that led to a pretty big climb back up to the Berryman Campground. So as hard as it seemed me and Rich were riding I never could get on his wheel and Jim was coming on strong. Going up the steep climb I did what I could but Jim and Rich got a way from me a little. Going through the Berryman Checkpoint I was focused on making it back on to there wheel and it wasn't long before I caught back up to Jim who was hurting a little. Me and Jim ended up riding the rest of the miles together and by the time we reached gravel road section he was teasing me just like he does on the road by letting me get within ten feet or so and then hammering it again. We never did see Rich again, he ended up finishing a couple of minutes up on us. Finishing up the last race of the year was awesome, I owe it to Jim for helping me build such a killer base with all of the Big rides last winter. There is no way I could of felt this strong this late in the year without it. And to Mitch for all of the great summer rides and races. Congrats Mitch for a huge sixth place finish!!! And to Chris for a huge win.. Me I will take top 10 any day with the amount of talent at this race. Congrats to everyone that finished this race. And a huge thanks to all of the people that made this race happen.
Stats for the race. The highest average I have had for a 5hr plus ride since using a hrt rate monitor and the funny thing is I didnt turn it off as soon as the race was done. I will post results when I get them...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
12hr Burnin at the Bluff was bummed a little for not getting to 10 but that was a long shot anyway still stoked on finishing another 12hr. solo
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Super Fly vs HI FI 29er
Monday, September 29, 2008
Arthur at the Park
We went to Arthur at the park in Forest park on Saturday. Other than the lines being really long it was a lot of fun. Its amazing the feelings you get out of a simple smile. Happiness comes in different forms, Saturday it was seeing how happy Lucas was sitting on Curious Georges lap, Sunday it was 4 laps at Council Bluffs including a early morning night lap to get ready for the 12hr in a couple of weeks.
Friday, September 19, 2008
24hrs of Mohican
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Greensfelder race.
Friday, September 5, 2008
simple motivation
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Fun stuff!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Wed. on a Thursday
The happiest place on earth hooked me up with some new sram stuff for the road bike, pretty awesome stuff. I could say this was just another normal ride but with Jim that doesn't exist, there is either hard rides or really hard rides! This one kind of fit between the two, Ron split early and the rain came. Ended up getting pretty wet but still another great ride. I am still amazed at how well I felt after all of the riding last weekend. I am thinking of something pretty big coming up!!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
2 ways to hell. Landahl 12hr, Cape 3hr

The start of the race I did what I usually do off of the start, go as hard as I can. With Andy Gibbs, Brad Brown, and Mitch just out of the picture at the race, all three of these guys really fast.I knew it was going to be fun to see how long I could last on this very fast course. Stuck with Brad for the first 1 1/2 laps and then he was gone. I rode the hardest pace I could for the first 3 laps, and then just set a pace I thought I could hold for the rest of the race. In the end a big Congrats goes to Brad who beat up on all of us pretty good, And to Mitch also who was coming off of the Moonlight ramble and being up all night too stuck second place solid beating me by 2 minutes. Between trying to catch Mitch and stay ahead of Andy I think I fought for third place more than I have for any race I have ever won. Great times!! Thanks to John of Cyclewerx for putting on another great race on a super fun course...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Stuck in my head!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
another Wednesday...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Breck. 100
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Mitch's awesome write up! Colorado

Friday, July 25, 2008
nothing but smiles!
trip ended up riding
over 200 miles and a little over 30,000 ft of climbing. The race went great other
than adding a few extra miles and don't think I ever quit smiling the whole week.
I will do a better write up and add some pics later when I get some sleep!
We did this trail on the first loop, the town of Breckenridge is in the background. this is one climb I will probably never forget, especially since we did it Sunday morning also!
Monday, July 7, 2008
The 5 counties ride.
We picked the perfect day and everything went great. with no real hard efforts we just wanted to keep a good pace. Thanks Big for the ride Mitch Colorado is going to be awesome! would love to add another 30 miles and a few more really big hills to this ride.
After finishing up the ride took the family down to Bobs place for some great food and fireworks, wish everyday could be this much fun!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Lucas eating chocomud!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Matson Race
thanks again to all the guys that take the time to put on the race, prep the course, deal with the rain, etc. etc. you guys rock!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
first time
Sunday, May 11, 2008
CW race
Monday, May 5, 2008
Syllamos Revenge
Welcome to Arkansas...

Saturday morning I woke up completely jazzed and ready to race. Me and Chris did the big climb to warm up, this climb is so much fun! I think I missed pretty much the racers meeting, there was no way I could sit still for that, my legs and brain were saying go time!! So luckily enough before I knew it we were hauling ass down the road. I had only one thought in my mind and that was a set time I wanted to beat and I was ready to do whatever it took to get it done. I knew the average I needed, what HR to maintain, and pretty much pre-road most of the course on Thursday and Friday. The simple thing is though, what makes this course so much fun is as much as you go there to race first priority should be to finish. This place can eat you and your bike real quick if you let it.
The start was perfect, got up front as quick as possible, hit the climb hard. Last year Eric and Chris was right there with me and ended up following them into the single track. This year there was nobody close, kind of freaked me out a bit. I headed into the single track riding a comfortable pace, keeping the HR rate in check everything was going perfect. I have to admit being out front was kind of nice, I was picking good lines taking my time through some of the rocky sections that I would normally bomb down and staying pretty smooth.
souvenirs!! hope I never see this many flats in a race again.

My support crew...
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Usual ride
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
great day
Sunday, March 30, 2008
6hr Landahl
The race started off like any normal cross country expert race, but not normal for what I thought would be for 6. I was digging it though, and was easily keeping the heart rate in check. It was hard to figure out off of the start who was in what category and I recognized a lot of fast people including Matt Gersib from the 24 and also 6hr winner from last year.
The first lap went great ended up coming through right behind a fast dude from Colorado who was there training for the NUE series coming up. Had no idea were I was at that point as far as placing probably 3rd in the 6hr solo class. the second lap was going smooth, the new salsa was awesome and just a very smooth bike to ride for the technical stuff. Some how though about a 1/4 of the way into the third lap I managed to get a stick jambed in my rear cassette and stuck my derailleur into my spokes, not good. seemed like half the racers went by me and everybody was just flying! I did manage to get it some what straightened out but couldn't get it to shift right, fought with that thing the whole lap. not a big deal when I made it back one of the guys working the race, terrible with names. tried to help me fix it. worked good for part of the next lap then for some reason I was basically stuck with the small cog in back middle up front the only way the thing would not jump around on the cassette. So much more impressed with single speed guys now cause that lap hurt!
Coming through on the end of the fourth lap it was a given I had to switch bikes, should of had the other one ready to go but didn't want to jinx myself. So by the time I switched the tires, seat bag, pump, # plate etc. etc. and with screwing with the derailleur for the lap before, I new I had lost a lot of time. After getting back on the fisher it was kind of weird, I think the salsa is a way sweeter ride but I think I get more power out of the fisher. cant wait to get more rides on both of these to compare times.
Everything was back to normal just trying to keep a hard pace make up as much time as I could and try not to loose any to anybody behind me. road with Doug Long for a bit, I hate to say it like this but his riding ability and speed on the technical stuff for his age is amazing.
Going into the second to last lap, matt Gersib was making up good time on me and kind of thinking maybe he was lapping me, I was sure he passed me when i had the der. problem. After chatting with him for a bit he pretty much took off. I was kind of in a recovery lap and was wanting to have a fast last lap. I did manage to catch back up to him at the end of that lap going into the last lap. we did compare some miles, I was lost on what lap I was on so that didn't help things. anyway I had it figured we were on the same lap. So when Matt let me pass on the first big climb I pretty much road as hard as i possible could to get a gap on him, It seemed like I would get a head a bit and then you would be right there again, dude you made me ride harder than I ever had that deep into a race. Way more intensity went into that lap then the first by a long shot!! Because of that I managed to come back within 1 minute of first place in age group. and third overall down by I think 10 minutes from Cam Kirkpatrick a seriously fast older dude. The heartland guys put on a perfect race, manage to get in 9 laps counting the warm up lap. lots of great mountain biking for one day! The best part is even when little things go wrong things can still turn out great if you can just stay focused on moving forward!
Just a little bit of carnage... that's a whole other story, very funny one...
Saturday, March 22, 2008